What is Google alerts and how to create Google alert ?

As per Google, Google alerts is content change detection and notification service. This service send emails to the user when it find any news, articles, blogs etc related to uses match term (alert).

In other way, it is very powerful tool to get updated on any popular topic or anything that we need to get updated.  I am using it since last 5-6 years for some useful topics that i want to get updated. It will be very silly for some one but i am writing on this as i found some people who are not aware of this service. Specially, for students it can be a good options to get updated or any gadgets lover to  get updated on trendy gadgets.

How to set up Google Alerts

Its very simple process , just open this url – https://www.google.com/alerts . You do not need to have gmail account for this, any email account work for this.


In above picture, i am creating an alert “Gadget”. In the end, just write your email and click create alert button. After this , you will start receiving email with lots of updated news for this alerts.

You can also use the options as per your convenient for alerts.

If you are a gmail account holder and already logged in then on opening – https://www.google.com/alerts#

you have yo just write down alert in text box and click create, your alert will be created.



You are also eligible to unsubscribe alerts any time if you don’t want to have them in your email.

I will discuss alternative to Google alerts in next posts. Thanks for reading.



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